N .. decnumber S .. string EOL .. ';' IPv6 .. IP v6 address LSB .. a semicolon or comma separated list of expressions always enclosed in _curly_ braces. file: [ S '=' S ';' ]* // variable assignment [{ table | groupmap } EOL]* table: 'table' 'role =' { 'ipf' | 'nat' | 'auth' | 'count'} { 'type = tree' ['number =' N |'name =' S] LSB([!]addr) |'type = hash' ['number =' N |'name =' S] [hashopts] LSB(addr) } groupmap: 'group-map' {'in' | 'out'} 'role =' { 'ipf' | 'nat' | 'auth' | 'count'} ['number =' N |'name =' S ] // poolName { 'group =' {N|S} [hashopts] LSB(addr [', group =' {N|S}]) | [hashopts] LSB(addr ', group =' {N|S}) } hashopts: 'size' '=' N // size of the hash table |'seed' '=' N // both are allowed as well |'size' '=' N 'seed' '=' N addr: { N[.N.N.N] | IPv6 | S } ['/' N[.N.N.N]] // S = a hostname NOTE: hash = (ntohl(addr->s_addr) & msk) * msk % size msk is initially 0xffffffff (4 byte) and gets modified if lookup fails. tables may have a number or name as identifier. Unfortunately you can not use names in ipf.conf in ipfilter < v.5 to refer to the required table!