$Id$ Solaris Express/OpenSolaris (Nevada/SunOS 5.11) ----------------------------------------------- Interfaces supported: X11, tcltk External libraries: readline, BLAS(SunPerf), LAPACK(SunPerf) Additional capabilities: PNG, JPEG, TIFF, NLS, cairo Options enabled: shared R library, shared BLAS, R profiling, Java Recommended packages: yes Copyrights: ----------- R> file.show(file.path(R.home("doc"), "COPYRIGHTS")) Installation Notes: ------------------- This package requires SunOS 5.11 comming with OpenSolaris or Solaris Community Edition (SXCE) based on snv_b129 or later. Per default the R package gets installed in the base directory /opt with a directory name of R-$MAJOR.$MINOR, whereby $MAJOR and $MINOR are the major and minor version numbers of the packaged R version. One may choose a different base directory using the pkgadd(1M) option '-a none' or a customized administration file - see admin(4). To add appropriate links below the /usr, /usr/local or any other desired directory to the main R wrappers and man pages (so that no additional PATH/MANPATH adjustments need to be made), one may create them manually or just install the LNFr-links package. The latter one creates the required links to the most recent version of R installed on the machine in question. The R software including recommended packages are linked against the Sun(TM) Performance Library comming with Sun Studio 12 Update 1 or 2, which is freely available via http://developers.sun.com/sunstudio/downloads/index.jsp Thus for core functionality the following Sun Studio packages are required: SPROl90sx, SPROsmsx, SPROplsx, SPROstl4x. However, to be able to use all features of R (like building other R packages from source) one should install the complete Compiler Suite (IDEs like Xemacs/Netbeans are not required wrt. R). Wrt. Java it is assumed, that at least one JDK instance >= 1.6 is installed on the system at the default location. Per default all packages using MPI are compiled against the Oracle MPI library which is part of the SUN HPC cluster tools (license is free - see http://www.sun.com/software/products/clustertools/get_it.jsp or have a look at http://www.oracle.com/us/products/tools/index.html section "Solaris & Linux"). If already installed when R gets installed, the appropriate path will be set automatically in etc/ldpaths (otherwise the default one will be taken). At any time one may adjust the default JDK/Studio version to be used by changing the JAVA_HOME/STUDIO_HOME/OPAL_PREFIX variable values in etc/ldpaths and etc/Makeconf located in the R installation directory. Multithreading -------------- R is compiled with multihtreading support. Per default R will use at least 2 and at most 4 threads depending on the number of available CPU cores. However one may adjust this by setting the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS or modifying the bin/R script. PDF/HTML viewer --------------- Per default R queries the users desktop environment (e.g. GNOME or KDE) to find out, which viewer should be used for displaying HTML and PDF documents. So changing the preferred HTML/PDF viewer in your desktop environment gets respected by R (see xdg-open(1)). However, if one uses an freedesktop incompatible environment one needs to set the R_BROWSER and R_PDFVIEWER environment variables or change the default values in etc/Renviron located in the R installation directory. Encoding/Character maps ----------------------- This package uses the Solaris libc version of iconv. Since it uses in contrast to the GNU libiconv a failfast approach and does not support the '//TRANSLIT' and '//IGNORE' extension, convertion from an encoding to a "subset" encoding (e.g. UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1) is not supported and will usually fail. Since R blindly tunnels everything through iconv(3c), no matter, whether the source and destination use the same encoding or not, OpenSolaris/SolarisExpress version b129 or better is required: this is the first Solaris libc, which supports identity mapping, i.e. when from and to encoding names are the same. Support for alias identity mapping (i.e. when from/to have different names but refer to the same encoding) should be available beginning with version b139 (~ June 2010). If one uses an empty String as from/to encoding name, the original R sources have been modified, to use the charmap of the default locale in use. The latter one gets determined via the environment variables LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG in this order. The first variable, which has a non-null, non-empty valid value wins. In case you want to get a hint, what's going wrong, when a convertion fails, you may add the term 'iconv' to the environment variable DEBUG. Development/Building packages from source ----------------------------------------- R and all its recommended packages were built using direct binding and forcing no referenced undefined symbols. This is also the default mode when R packages are build from source. This may lead to linker-editor errors when on builds another package from source, since most packages do not specify all required libs to bind to when linking is done. However, the Studio Compiler will usually list all required libraries which one needs to pass to the linker. So adjusting the Makefile or src/Makevars of the package source or passing the addtional libs via the environment variable PKG_LIBS and MAKE='make -e' or modifying temporarily etc/Makeconf usually fix that problem. For more information wrt. direct binding see: http://blogs.sun.com/rie/entry/direct_binding_now_the_default ff. To have more freedom wrt. compiling packages/switching on/off certain optimizations we introduced the PKG_*_LAST variables, which will be append as the last options to the preprocessor/compiler/linker flags (PKG_* variables are per default prepend). For more information just have a look at $R_HOME/etc/Makeconf . Since the Sun Performance Library C/F77 interface wrt. LAPACK/BLAS is similar but often not exactly the same as those from http://www.netlib.org/, the compiler misleading declarations of those methods were removed from R_ext/BLAS.h . Instead it includes , which has the correct declarations and thus the compiler is able to warn about parameter mismatches. Usually the main difference is, that wrt. the Sun Performance Library "native" non-result carrying parameters like char, int, double are passed by value instead of by reference and no temporary "workspace" needs to be passed in. Also the C interface does not use a trailing '_' for those functions. To reflect this, the macro F77_CALL got replaced by SPL_CALL where the relevant functions are actually called. For more information wrt. Sun Performance Library, see: http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/821-0276 Per default OpenSolaris/SolarisExpress does not provide a TeX package and thus DVI/PDF versions of the R manuals and help pages are not built. If you need these formats you may consider to install the LNFtetex package available via http://dev.cs.uni-magdeburg.de/lnf/ . Misc Hints ---------- show all available R libraries: > library() show all library lookup directories: > .libPaths() show all library directories: > searchpaths() gettig help > help() http://www.r-project.org/